Member in Ukraine of IAPA (International Association of Practising Accountants)

Financial Reporting Consolidation

33A, Dehtiarivska Str.,
7th floor,
03057, Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine.

Tel.: +380 (44) 467 6353

Consolidation, Compilation and Financial Reporting Services in Ukraine

By definition, a compilation is the presentation of financial statement data without the auditor's assurance as to conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or National GAAP. A compilation is a financial statement that presents information that is the representation of an organization's management (owners) without undertaking to express assurance on the financial statements.

If your company in Ukraine requires help preparing your financial statements – whether monthly, quarterly or annually – our compilation services may be exactly what you need. In a compilation, the most basic process, Units Consulting Ltd. will take the data you supply and create financial statements that meet accounting standards. Because a compilation is basic, it will not include an examination of your numbers themselves, or create an opinion or assurance that the numbers are correct. However, we do take the time to understand your business and will take a common sense, high-level look at the financial statements to ensure that they are fairly presented.

Financial Reporting Services in Ukraine

At Units Consulting Ltd. we will acquire a general understanding of your bookkeeping methods and compile the reports in a presentation format according to your needs.

We work with senior management teams to help stabilize businesses, restore financial reporting integrity, timeliness and analysis, and streamline inefficient accounting procedures to free up management time to focus on strategic planning initiatives. Our consulting team provides you with top level financial expertise that complements your accounting and finance skills with following services:

  • Financial reporting compliant with IFRS (or GAAP) and effective management decision-making
  • Analysis of trial balance accounts for presence of supporting detail and reconciliations
  • Reconstruction and restatement of prior period financial statements
  • Financial statement and management report format reviews
  • Development and implementation of accounting and reporting policies, procedures and controls
  • Accounting and finance organizational structure reviews
  • Implementation of effective cash management policies and assistance with creditor relationships
  • Design and implementation of financial models and analysis to improve performance and reduce costs
  • Accounting system conversion planning
  • Capital and debt restructuring assistance

To learn more about our Compilation, Real-Time Consolidation Service and Financial Reporting Services please contact us.

Also see our related financial accounting services in Ukraine

Units Consulting Ltd. provides professional multi-lingual financial accounting and payroll services (English, Ukrainian, Russian) to the companies, foreign representative offices and NGOs that operate various businesses.

© 2001-2022 Units Consulting Ltd. Payroll and accounting firm (Ukraine, Kiev / Kyiv) : financial reporting, compilation services, financial accounting,
real-time consolidation services in Kiev, financial reporting services, tax and finance accounting, consolidation services in Ukraine.
business registration in Ukraine e-mail: тел: +380 44 4676353
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Бухгалтерська фірма: Бухгалтерські послуги, Бухгалтерське обслуговування у м.Київ, Аутсорсинг заробітної плати Київ та Курси QuickBooks Online